At the very end of the photo season in Corfu I was fortunate enough to take part in one event that turned my understanding of how seminars can take place. Imagine a yacht on the azure expanse of the Ionian Sea. You did already? Now imagine a fleet!
So, our yachts run with the participants of the event by sea, occasionally mooring in the harbors of the Ionian islands and the mainland. While in the sea - we enjoy the views and beauties, linger at the rocky beaches for swimming, learn yachting. We moored - we rest, we enjoy with delicious Greek cuisine and hold seminars. Combining the incompatible - rest and work, useful and pleasant. But, as it turned out, this is possible!

I will not delve into the theme of daily workshops, yet I as a photographer is difficult to assess the peculiarities of project management. But I can long and enthusiastically talk about how the sea campaign was held from the point of view of the ordinary observer. How harmonized and thought out were all the details, how sincere was the atmosphere and the how much pleased were the participants. And of course, my role as photographer was to capture all the beauty that reigned around, the mood of the team at the moments from seminars and lessons on the introduction of yachting, that I gladly did.